Week 7 Notes
Week seven was all about spiritual warfare. This topic was a little hard for me to grasp because I still feel like I don't understand or am just not open to understanding that there is a spiritual world within this world. I have had a very Western worldview but I am learning more from people who have traveled to significantly farther places than I have and there always seems to be a much better understanding, deeper respect, and true acknowledgment of the spiritual world.
Regardless, spiritual warfare is present daily and this week I learned that we are all called to be warriors. Our battle is not with flesh and blood, it is spiritual. Though the battle is raging and the enemy is fierce - God wins! The spiritual battle starts with mind - mouth - actions.
God is good! Never question His character, the enemy and God are not opposites.
Do not let life and all that it has to “offer” drag you out of God's will.
It is important to be aware of the enemy and understand that he is limitless. The battle is already won but the fight continues every day.
Know who you are and your identity in Christ. Fight the enemy for truth, not the person who is involved. Separate the sin and the people. Love all creation.
Spiritual warfare is learning to recognize the strategy of the enemy and refusing to collaborate by aggressively stopping/ cutting it off. The strategy is unoriginal, counterfeit, and deceptive. Only God can create.
If something is bound and cast out you will be left with a blank space, what is that being filled with? The enemy could step in with new wicked views - keep up the maintenance do not choose to fall back if something is bound out, it is cast out forever spiritually - however, since being on earth it is a constant battle and requires continuous upkeep.