Lecture Notes Week 3-5

God speaks through all world views and meets his people in any language, background, culture, or perspective. Our testimonies, or our stories should reflect the biblical story and point back to Him.

How do you grow your faith if you don't put yourself in faith-building situations? Seek the big picture and understand you are just one piece of the puzzle. Every piece of the puzzle is not the same. We are created as image bearers, let the bible redefine our worldview and correct our perspective. Humans are not a problem to be solved out of the world. Your identity is not found within yourself. Your identity is found in God- scripture- truth. YAWEH calls me by name and the enemy calls me by my sin and shame.

The things we hold onto tightly can become idolized, do not put your will before the Lord's Will.

Who is Jesus? He brings us into the presence of God, came with the cross to fight the enemy, and is unlike anyone in the Old Testament. Jesus fulfills the heart of God by uniting himself to his creation. Commit yourself to God even when you feel alone. Jesus' whole life was to fulfill the law. Look for the God that is moving! The Gospel is the good news of Jesus!!

God is not divided amongst us the Holy is alive in us to point to Jesus. God dwells amongst all things. When the holy spirit fills us, it does not give us a piece of God. It grows the space for God's presence to dwell. We are created to be image-bearers of God. Love the Lord our God with all your heart. Love requires a choice. God values the journey and growing in faith.

Who is the Holy Spirit? Leader- redeemer- refresher- anointer- pursuer- reassurer

The trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The trinity operates in perfect unity. The Holy Spirit dwells in its creation but is beyond only an essence. It is a constant that invites us into relationships and intimacy. Believe and continue to develop a deeper yes to YAWEH by growing in intimacy with Good as a whole. We are invited to partner WITH God. The Holy Spirit is a gift for creation from God to experience his presence and movement.

Another thing we talked about was how we shouldn't go back to what Jesus called us out of, to not be confused and fall into old comforts. We looked at Peter throughout scripture.

I know for myself this is something I wrestle with. I feel like being young is often an excuse to have “fun” but big picture what is fun in the moment potentially be fruitful long term. Speaking for myself I think I still feel an internal pull to want to go back to old habits when my Yes to Jesus starts to feel a little uncomfortable. But then this also poses the question of is my yes to Jesus is cheap. Maybe I need to relearn what it means to commit to something and stop trying to chase what “feels good”. Especially if my emotions are probably the first thing to lie to me.


Lecture Week 1-3


Lecture Notes Week 6